
Membership Fees for 2023/24 season

At the General Meeting held at the Club rooms on 27th May, the fees for the coming season from 1 July 2023 were voted on by those eligible and present at the meeting. Any Mooring Maintenance Fees will be invoiced in Early January and not required to be paid at Membership renewal time.

Reminder of General Meeting: Membership fee-setting

When: Saturday, May 27th 2023, 4pm upstairs at the Club Rooms. Annual and regular fees and subscriptions are decided by the majority of members present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting held in May each year. The fees include the nomination fee, annual subscriptions for each class of member, and all sundry fees.
2023-24 Fees General Meeting

Dogs in the Club

The Committee of Management has observed an increase in the number of dogs at the Club of late and The CoM wishes to remind to all members with dogs of the Club By-Law 3.5.

New Year's Eve at the Club

Members may attend the Club on New Year’s Eve and quietly enjoy the evening together with the normal limit on friends and family. There will be no WSC organised event at the Club for New Year’s Eve this year and the bar will not be operating.

Club Roof Replacement Works Completion

Further to our recent Update on the Roof replacement works, we are pleased to advise that the roof works have been completed with the Solar back in place. The Scaffold will be dismantled tomorrow, Saturday 1st October, so ask all that attending the last Working Bee before Open day, be mindful of this activity and stay clear of the works.

Club Roof Replacement Works Update 29 Sept 22

We are pleased to report that the majority of the roof replacement works have been completed, despite the seasons weather and public holidays. The scaffold is still in place to finish of the capping, which should not be too far away.

Club Closure for Roof Replacement: 12-26 Sept 22

Following the recent inspection and minor works on our asbestos roof, Parks Victoria have decided at their cost to replace all our asbestos roofs. This will need the Club to be completely closed between 5pm on 12th September (next Monday) through to 5pm on Monday 26th September (2 weeks).
Roof Works Club Closure

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