
Please help at our Working Bees

Published Sun 04 Jun 2023

Dear Member,

When: Every Saturday from 9am until the end of September

As the sailing season draws to a close and activity around the Club slows over the winter months, it’s time to turn our attention to maintaining and repairing the Club facilities that we all use and enjoy.

That’s right, it’s time for the Saturday working bees to commence and we hope you can help.

We’ve compiled a list of jobs to do over the off season and the list has been placed on the notice board outside the Canteen. Some of the jobs are fairly easy and can be done quite quickly whilst others are more complex and will take longer. But the list of itself achieves little. What we need is for all Club members to get involved and help with the jobs that best match their own capabilities. We are, after all, a Club of volunteers.

The Club will provide all the necessary tools and supplies to complete the jobs and there will also be plenty of Club members on hand to provide advice or technical support where needed.
So please Club members, come down to the Club on any Saturday morning from 9am onwards from now until the start of the sailing season and lend a hand in preserving this amazing facility that’s graciously been handed to us by previous generations of Club members. Whether it’s one Saturday or many, your time and effort will make a positive difference so please help out as much as you can.

Many Thanks for your participation,

Warm Regards

Steve Forster,
Rear Commodore


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