
Reminder of General Meeting: Membership fee-setting

Published Sat 13 May 2023

When: Saturday, May 27th 2023, 4pm upstairs at the Club Rooms.

Annual and regular fees and subscriptions are decided by the majority of members present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting held in May each year. The fees include the nomination fee, annual subscriptions for each class of member, and all sundry fees. 
At the May monthly CoM meeting held on the 10th, it was agreed to recommend to the Members a fee increase of 5%. This increase allows for the Club to undertake essential maintenance whilst acknowledging the impact of rate rises and the cost of living expenses is having on all of us. 
Whist the Club has built up financial reserves, there is a need to retain these to ensure the Club has sufficient funds to undertake major infrastructure works, including the replacement of the main jetty and landing which have continued to deteriorate since the underwater survey was completed in 2021. This work must be completed to ensure the safety of all Members and visitors.
The CoM understands the current economic environment is impacting us all, both as a Club and as individuals. However, for the Club to remain viable and to meet its safety and governance obligations, the CoM recommends that Members support a 5% increase in membership fees for the upcoming new financial year. 
A proposed breakdown of 2023-24 fees can be found in File below.
We look forward to welcoming you to the General Meeting.


Files for download
Proposed Member Fees 2023-24

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