
20 Oct 20 Covid Update for Members

Published Tue 20 Oct 2020

20th Oct 2020 COVID-19 for Club Members

Dear Members,

Australian Sailing made the following announcement yesterday as follows:

Changes for Metropolitan Melbourne 19 October 2020

  • You can now travel up to 25 km from your home or permitted workplace within metropolitan Melbourne. This replaces the 5km rule. Travel to regional Victoria is still only allowed for permitted purposes even if this is within 25 kms. This means you cannot travel into regional Victoria for exercise or recreation.
  • You can leave home for any period of time to exercise or see friends and family outdoors. This replaces the two-hour limit on these activities. There are no limits on the number of times you can leave home.
  • You can meet in a group of up to ten people from a maximum of two households outdoors in a public place to socialise (children under 12 months of age not included in the limit). An outdoor public place means areas accessible to everyone, including local parks and beaches. This replaces the limit of five people from a maximum of two households.
  • You can exercise in a group of up to ten people from a maximum of two households outdoors in a public place (personal training is limited to two people plus the trainer). This replaces the limit of five people from a maximum of two households.

Sailing Specific Summary:

Organised club sailing

Organised club sailing, training, or racing is NOT permitted. Sailing is only permitted as exercise as per the following points.

Sailing for Exercise

Single handed sailing or with a maximum of 10 people from a maximum of 2 households is now permissible as part of exercise with no limit on time. You must adhere to the following:

  • You must stay within your 25km radius (if you live 10km from your launching sport, then you can only sail 15km from shore)
  • If you are sailing with someone from another household (as part of the maximum 2 households) you MUST keep 1.5 metres distance 100% of the time and wear masks
  • You must wear face masks while on land
  • You must keep 1.5 meters distance from others

Can I use sports club facilities?

  • All club facilities are closed for member and public use.
  • Club restaurants and cafes open for take away and delivery only.

Boat yards

Any servicing works that relate to providing Safe Operation of a vessel can now commence – a sensible, logical case needs to be made that the work relates to safety, is part of the regular service or logbook service, and/or is undertaken for risk prevention for when the vessel is back in the water. Aesthetic or other works that do not relate to the safe operation of the vessel cannot be undertaken as they are not permitted.
All work must be carried out by professionals who hold a valid work permit and COVID Safe plan. Owners of vessels are NOT permitted to carry out maintenance work on their vessels.

Club Specific Information (as previously announced)

Recreational Boating And Fishing: Allowed (conditions apply, as below)

Individuals are able to go boating and fishing as recreational exercise within 25km of your home and no time limit applies. You must maintain physical distance and group limits apply.

Everyone must wear a fitted face mask, covering your nose and mouth when they leave home, unless a lawful exemption applies.

You must adhere to the following

  • Wear a mask at all times, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.
  • Maintain a physical distance by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and others.
  • Practise good hygiene – wash your hands before, during and after visiting the Club.
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
  • If you have any signs (cough, runny nose) get tested and stay at home.
  • Must come dressed ready and leave straight after.
  • Must enter the Club premises via Ramp boat gate only.
  • Fishing from piers/marinas/jetties are not allowed.

Kayak Exercise: Allowed

Kayaking is allowed within a 25km limit of your home and comply with the prescribed restrictions. There is no longer any time limit for exercise.

Checking Moored Vessels: Allowed for safety & emergency maintenance

Vessel owners have been able to check on their vessel for emergency maintenance or safety purposes only, and comply with the prescribed restrictions. When inspecting moorings, take proof of vessel ownership and proof of vessel location with you. Vessel location could be a letter on Club letter head confirming its location. Please note, Victorian Police will be asking for this proof.

The Clubhouse, Upper Deck and BBQ area – REMAINS CLOSED

No access to change rooms or Toilets. Only authorised CoM members and contractors are permitted in the Clubhouse.



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